5 unhealthy smartphone habits to break today
Today, almost every aspect of our lives — from our entertainment sources to interactions with our loved ones — is compressed into a smart, sleek 6-inch device. While the advanced features of smartphones have made our lives incredibly easier, excessive dependence on mobile devices has caused many physical and mental health issues. Here are some unhealthy smartphone habits you must break to facilitate overall wellbeing and a list of newly launched phones to help inculcate positive smartphone habits. Using light mode at night Exposure to direct bright light from your screen can strain your eyes and aggravate any existing eye conditions. Enabling your phone’s dark mode turns the background black for all apps that originally had lighter hues. It is a UI design feature added to all smartphones to protect one’s eyes from the phone’s blue light. Not setting timers for frequently used apps Certain applications, mainly social media, and video-streaming apps, take up more space than others on the phones. Not setting a time limit on using these apps can lead to addiction. Most smartphones allow users to set timers on these apps; once the specified time limit passes, the apps pause, disabling their use for the rest of the day.
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