5 mistakes to avoid when planning a trip
Planning your next vacation is one of the best things to do when you’re tired, bored, or stressed. After all, it is necessary to take some time off and unwind from daily life’s pressures. But, that’s easier said than done, as planning your travel itinerary is quite challenging. So if you plan on visiting multiple countries, you must consider several factors and, most importantly, avoid making these mistakes en route to the destination.
Planning too many things
Going on a trip is fun, but there are only so many activities you can cram in for the next week or two. Even if it is a long trip, you need to account for the travel time, and other logistics from point A to B. Planning is also not enough at times since there are many unforeseen circumstances that can result in delays or cancellations. You must account for these contingencies and map out a manageable itinerary. Remember, you also need time to enjoy the places you visit.
Booking short layovers
Traveling overseas on a nonstop flight is expensive and can be really taxing, even if you are a seasoned traveler. This is one of the main reasons why many long-distance hauls are broken up into manageable layovers at international airports. One of the biggest mistakes to avoid is booking shorter layovers between flights. Know that most airports require a rigorous check-in, baggage claim, customs, and transfer protocol to be followed when changing flights. These rules also differ from airline to airline, so you need to account for extra time for any delays. Larger terminals can get very exhausting to navigate; thus, factor in these contingencies well in advance while booking tickets.
Another cardinal sin to avoid is packing too many things for the trip. Remember, airlines have a baggage weight restriction, and hauling heavy luggage back and forth between layovers is not a fun thing to do. You’ll also need some space to pack the souvenirs purchased from various destinations. So, pack what is essential and buy the rest after you’ve checked in at the hotel. Remember, hotels also provide complimentary toiletries and grooming kits with all the bathroom amenities included in the room price. Moreover, pack for the season and occasion of travel. For e.g., don’t pack unnecessary winter clothes and accessories if you’ve planned a leisurely holiday at the beach.
Not knowing local customs and culture
Read up about the places you have planned to visit. Understand that many countries have listed out several dos and don’ts and what is considered appropriate behavior in public spaces. For example, in the UAE, swearing in public or making obscene gestures that might offend someone are punishable offenses. In many places, even public display of affection is frowned upon. So be careful and read about travel guidelines and expected tourist behaviors well in advance. Check the official websites maintained by law enforcement agencies at the location. It will only take you a few minutes but will undoubtedly spare your trip from unwanted complications.
Relying solely on gadgets
Travel and navigation apps have certainly simplified the way you plan holidays. But at the same time, these apps have made you extremely reliant on given instructions. You must communicate with the locals and residents of the destination you plan to visit to understand if there are any better alternatives for getting around the city or countryside. Additionally, get a guidebook with a full-size map of the location. If your phone runs out of battery, you’ll still have something to help you get back to the main street or hotel. Remember, it’s good to have a backup in case your gadgets malfunction, leaving you high and dry!